The Benefits of Treating Hearing Loss
Better Communication
Better Relationships
Richer Social Life
Even mild hearing loss is exhausting. Trying to keep up with a conversation when we can’t hear clearly involves lots of guesswork, and putting sentences together with context clues. That stresses the parts of our brain that are usually responsible for more creative and imaginative thinking. It wears us out, and makes the process of conversing a lot less fun! Consequently, we get tired earlier and don’t spend as long in the company of those we care about.
Many people who are new to age-related hearing loss might mistake this fatigue for a separate age-related condition— “I can’t stay out as late as I used to.” By treating our hearing loss with hearing aids, we can more easily stay present in the moment and enjoy time with the people in our lives as we always have.
Better Wages
More Positive Outlook
Those who wear hearing aids tend to feel more optimistic about their lives than people with untreated hearing loss. It makes sense, doesn’t it? When you’ve lost the ability to hear, an upcoming event might just seem like another opportunity to feel left out and left behind. When you can rely on your ability to understand what people are saying, you can look forward to the times you meet up with friends and family as a chance to connect and enjoy one another’s company.
Hearing aids not only increase our sense of optimism about our own lives but may also help us to be more optimistic about the world in general! While it is not obvious whether this is correlation or causation, it is definitely true that hearing aids help us keep in touch with the young people in our lives, and give us the opportunity to become excited when we hear about what they’re thinking and doing with their lives!